The Northern Mindanao Project Response
These goals and objectives will be implemented within an initial Three Year Project Plan; a new and positive plan that principally will:
- Restore the denuded mountains through reforestation of native tree and agroforestry
- Create sustainable sources of income through agroforestry green economy
- Achieve this new income both through harvest & from carbon capture.
- Position a new land and climate management focus and discipline
- Deliver a “solution” to meet the needs of both the tribe and nature
- Develop new opportunities, ambition, and optimism – for young and old
- Present new training, education, jobs, and income
- Return pride and respect to these natural people and their lands
- Developing a new green economy through Coffee regenerative production
- Establishing Agroforestry project planning and best practice
- Organizing an inclusive coffee production project
- Inclusiveness - all tribal farmers/landowners will be able to join the Project
- Creating a 100-hectare coffee plantation project in Phase 1
- Extending the plantation to 100 hectares in Phase 2
- Maintaining natural lands to the standards they should be
- Achieving success for the tribe, for their lands, for climate change
- Restoring and nurturing new family, tribal, community pride and respect
- Ownership of lives and lands now, and a positive legacy
- Increased numbers of men and women-led tribal community projects
- To achieve economic stability and control of their lives and lands
- Sustainable livelihoods respecting local traditions & cultures.
- New jobs and new opportunities – direct and in-direct
- The removal of an unacceptable level of food poverty
- Empowering women and families to thrive not just survive
- Improved education, nutrition, health; reducing/removing child mortality
- Agroforestry project/enterprise including 100Ha coffee production
- Planting initially of 100,000, then by Phase 2 of 200,000 Coffee and native trees
- Eliminating tree cutting/deforestation; new positive land management focus